Claims Against Council

Please ensure that you have reported the problem that caused the injury or damage to Council immediately before you make a claim. This may prevent someone else from suffering harm or loss.

Council will only accept liability in cases where it can be proven that Council knew there was a problem and was negligent in dealing with it.

Acceptance of this claim form does not mean that Dubbo Regional Council admits liability for your loss.

We will provide an automated email acknowledging that we have received your claim.

Council will endeavour to respond to claims as quickly as possible. However, the processing of claims is dependent on the supply of relevant information. Assessment of claims may take some time to complete. Please allow up to 21 business days for Council to contact you regarding this matter.

Please note that if you claim is accepted by Council we do not pay suppliers or repairers directly, finalised invoices need to be submitted and approved by Council for reimbursement.

Council recommends that you seek professional legal advice if you are unsure about whether you are able to claim for your loss or damage.

For further information on what you may claim, please click here.

Motor Vehicle

To submit a claim for damage to your motor vehicle click here.

Property Damage

To submit a claim for damage to your property click here.

Personal Injury

To submit a claim for personal injury click here.